The High Council:
- Made up of seven members, the odd number benefits from a draw in votes.
- The seven members are all equal in power, no one has more control than the other.
- If a time arises that a High Council member may be impeached by another member of the council, then selected members of the forum will vote (still being worked upon).
Dice Sides Equal the Following Experience Points
d20 = 0 d36 = 450 d52 = 5000 d68 = 18,000
d21 = 10 d37 = 500 d53 = 5500 d69 = 19,000
d22 = 20 d38 = 550 d54 = 6000 d70 = 20,000
d23 = 40 d39 = 600 d55 = 7500 d71 = 22,500
d24 = 60 d40 = 700 d56 = 8000 d72 = 25,000
d25 = 80 d41 = 800 d57 = 8500 d73 = 27,500
d26 = 100 d42 = 900 d58 = 9000 d74 = 30,000
d27 = 125 d43 = 1000 d59 = 9500 d75 = 32,500
d28 = 150 d44 = 1500 d60 = 10,000 d76 = 35,000
d29 = 170 d45 = 1750 d61 = 11,000 d77 = 37,500
d30 = 200 d46 = 2000 d62 = 12,000 d78 = 40,000
d31 = 225 d47 = 2500 d63 = 13,000 d79 = 45,000
d32 = 250 d48 = 3000 d64 = 14,000 d80 = 50,000
d33 = 275 d49 = 3500 d65 = 15,000 d81 = 55,000
d34 = 300 d50 = 4000 d66 = 16,000 d82 = 60,000
d35 = 400 d51 = 4500 d67 = 17,000 d83 = 65,000
d84 = 70,000 d93 = 400,000
d85 = 75,000 d94 = 500,000
d86 = 80,000 d95 = 600,000
d87 = 85,000 d96 = 700,000
d88 = 90,000 d97 = 800,000
d89 = 95,000 d98 = 900,000
d90 = 100,000 d99 = 1,000,000
d91 = 200,000 d100 = 1,500,000
d92 = 300,000